Viewing Report 24th August 2024

22:45 – 01:55

Back on NGC 7380 The Wizard nebula, also known as SH2-142.

I imported a previous image again and closed looped slewed to that and then adjusted my rotator to 272 degrees. Then I set the filter to Ha for focusing and then to SII for imaging. I took 8 x 10min subs, then Flats and Dark Flats and then off to bed as I was very tired.

Wizard 600s in SII

Viewing Report 11th August 2024

22:37 – 04:00

Back on NGC 7380

Focus at 15,107

Having a nightmare trying to find the exact object centre, even after putting in the RA and Dec of the previous image it seems to land up off centre.

I then found I could open the previous image using Open under Image Link after taking an image and then right mouse click on the image and select closed loop slew.

Ok so the above is massively useful. However, without another piece of software I can’t do a meridian flip, so I have decided I need to try and get the ASIAIR working on top of the scope. I will now set out to get that done.

I left the scope running and went to bed around midnight. The last image was around 3am when it hit the meridian and stopped.

Flats – Yes

Darks – Yes

Viewing Report 9th August 2024

22:04 – 04:00

Trying again on NGC 7380 the Wizard in OIII again tonight. Focus position is 16,602 on OIII.

Landed up on Gaia DR3 star to centre the scope and match that of Ha, The PA is below for the rotator, however the rotator was slipping and could not rotate properly. I have tightened up the rotator but it still needs adjusting. I noted that ticking the checkbox for reversing the direction screws up the position. I finally got it in the right angle to image. However, the first handful of images are in the wrong position, so synced on NGC 7380 rather than the star Gaia DR3.

This is where I should be

OBJCTRA – ’22 48 05.544′

OBJCTDEC ‘+58 04 19.89’

I will redo on the next night. I set the scope running and went to bed around 1am

Viewing Report 28th July 2024

21:56 – 04:00

Focus position on 22,644 on OIII. I am taking some more Wizard nebula (NGC 7380 or SH 2-142) images tonight to go along with the Ha and SII images I already have.

I left the setup running all night. Unfortunately I lost the guide star 50 mins into the run and all the rest of the images were garbage. I will redo the next night out.