22:30 – 03:57
Tonight I am at Kelling Heath star party with Shane and Mark Radice. After a fantastic board game with Mark, Shane and Shane’s wife we then headed back to camp and I started to look through there binoculars using the NSOG (????) book as my guide. Whilst I realised I could have got away with bringing the Milkway edition, instead I brought along the Autumn/Winter version.
I had packed my 100mm Altair Astro binos so it was going to a visual night with some rudimentary drawing. I looked around and set my gaze on Pegasus and turned to the pages in the guide to set me off.
First on the list was M15. It appeared relatively close to
m15 – seen
peg 1 – seen
3 peg – seen
53 peg major seen not companion
ngc 7217 – not seen
ngc 7331 – seen with averted vision
ngc 7332 – not seen
ngc 7814 – not seen
M39 seen
M42 seen
veil eastern seen
North American seen
tried UHC filter baader from Mark in 1 eyepiece in binos abs made nebula stand out
bed at 3:52am due to fog and 9deg c
looked at M81 and M82 through Keithโs 18โ
could not see horse head
M42 WOW!! and M43 both through 13m Ethos 100 deg and then 21m Ethos