21:03 – 05:39
Bob, Dave and GingerGeek playing with the Tak 102 this evening and just image for 2 minutes on various targets.
Slewed to the Double Cluster first.
Focus position was 564 from the last time we used it a long time, it is now 578.
Took a 2 minute exposure

Slewed to M75 the Little Dumbell. Needed to take a 5 min exposure to see

Slewed to M34 Open Cluster.

Slewed to NGC 1023 a barred spiral galaxy. Took 5mins exposure at 22:12.

GingerGeek went off to bed whilst Dave and Bob continued.
Slewed to NGC 1260 a lenticular galaxy in Perseus.

Slewed to NGC 1545 an open cluster but it was behind the house.
Slewed to IC 1848 the Soul nebula.

Slewed to Heart nebula.

Slewed to IC 1831 an HII cloud.

Slewed to IC 1795 nebula.

We found at this point that some of the images were trailing at 2 minutes in the East so we started to use guiding.
Slewed to NGC 1245 open cluster. [not imaged]
Slewed to NGC 1220 open cluster. [not imaged]
Slewed to NGC 1528 open cluster at 23:37

Dave went off to bed whilst Bob continued.
Slewed to IC 1795 Nebula.

Slewed to IC 1831 Nebula.

Bob then slewed back to a number of the objects as they had trailed including, IC 1805 Heart Nebula, IC1848 Soul Nebula, IC 1260, NGC 1023 barred spiral, M34, M76, Double Cluster
Mars at 1:47am

Slewed to M31

Slewed to M52

Slewed to NGC 457

Slewed to IC 1590

Slewed to NGC 7789

Slewed to NGC 129

Slewed to NGC 225

Slewed to IC59

Slewed to IC83 [no image]
Bob completed imaging at 05:39am