Kelt 16b
Focus 20,329, taken with Luminance filter rather than red
GAIN 75 OFFSET 12 -25℃
Rotator Angle 29.420
Dome stopped at 582 images so need to see how many good ones I got
Clarity got worse from 1:18am until 3:52am when it clouded over, imaging is no good just before 1:15am so mid transit
Kelt-16b Observ. Priority: LOW Total obs. (Recent): 35 (5) O-C minutes: 0.6±0.21 | RA/DEC J2000 20:57:04.4386 +31:39:39.629 | MagR mag 11.601 | DepthR mmag 14.77 | Duration hours 2.49 |
2021/10/01 22:36 Alt: 65° Azi: 228° (SW) | 1h Before Ingress 2021/10/01 23:36 Alt: 57° Azi: 249° (W) | Transit Start 2021/10/02 00:51 Alt: 45° Azi: 266° (W) | Mid Transit 2021/10/02 02:05 Alt: 34° Azi: 280° (W) | Transit End 2021/10/02 03:05 Alt: 25° Azi: 291° (W) |
Max counts increase during observation: R:0% V:0% Moon illumination: 22.5%, Moon distance: 126.5° Observing times [ UTC+1.0 ] and target position |