Viewing time period – 20:36 – 00:33
Another night of trying to complete a TPoint run. After opening the dome around 4pm to cool down and turning the fans on the 12″ and pulling back the light shield material we (Bob, GingerGeek and I) @20:49 completed Slew and Sync to test plate solving ability which worked well.

We then started the TPoint run.

Our first failure was Point 28 @21:21. The following are other failures.
Failed Point 50,51,52,53 @21:42
Failed Point 55 @21:45
Failed Point 60 @21:53
Failed Point 71,76,77,78,79,80,81,84,85,86,89,

We then performed the first of a few meridian flips back and forth at Point 92

At pointing sample 96 we changed from 20s exp to 25s (20 failed at this point) to see if this helped the failure rate, it helped a little. The sky clarity was not great nor was the 12″ pointing correctly through the dome at the Meridian so need to look at this at a future point.
More Tpoints failed as follows. TPoint 100,102,105,106,107 (at this point scope 1/3 obscured by slit!)

Failed TPoint 109,110,112,113,114,116
By 11pm after 2 hour we had completed 122 points
Failed TPoint 123,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135
@23:39 stopped due to cloud
@00:33 stopped again due to cloud and shut dome but left TPoint session unfinished to see if we can pick up tomorrow night if clear.