@18:47 finished 20x -25℃ Flats 0.06s now taking Darks, will do more flats later when the cooler can get to -35℃ which right now it can’t as ambient outside temp is 7℃ so I can only get to -33℃ at 100%
ZWO Ezcap software for acquisition of Flats and Darks
@21:47 just finished Flats at -35℃
@22:49 started imaging Whale and Hockey Stick for Herschel 400
@00:47 I have 2 hours worth of data, performed meridian flip and continued to image the Whale for another 2 hours whilst I went to bed
I started setting up before dusk and the scope was ready for my on the patio once darkness had fallen. The first thing to do was use Polemaster to get the polar alignment roughly done.
Polemaster prior to alignment
@19:43 finished Polar alignment and started PHD2 drift alignement
Drift alignment for the azimuth
@20:07 finished drift aligning in Dec
@20:23 after doing the washing up I am now back to do the drift alignment of the altitude
Drift alignment altitude
@20:29 finished drift alignment in the altitude and did not need to adjust
@20:43 slewed to M35 and set the camera temp -25℃ and its running at 40%. I have set Gain to 7 and Offset to 30
I then joined the BAS Zoom call along with many others from the society. I shared my screen and explained the problem I was having that the DEC axis was still drifting. Mil Dave took me through the settings and it transpired that I had the Dec Guide Mode set to North rather than Auto. This meant it was not correcting for the error as it drifted South., I set to Auto and PHD started to correct! It now works 🙂 Thanks Mil Dave!
PHD Dec Guide Mode Setting to Auto!!!!!!!!@
@21:20 I had started gathering 5min exposures of M35
Quick stack and stretch and plate solve and annotation of M35
@23:00 finished capturing M35 now waiting for M65 Trio in Leo to go across the meridian
The SkyX Trio in Leo
@23:46 started imaging Trio in Leo although there is some high level cloud